
Coaching & Moving abroad

Ensuring a successful foreign posting or managing the integration of new foreign staff

  • Personal coaching specifically for the host country
  • Analysis work
  • Qualified coaches
  • Individual language courses
  • Inter-cultural support

“Now I can communicate in
I am autonomous”

María Jiménez Alfaro
Spanish, on secondment 


“Even though it is only 10 hours for us, studying at JM Formation is like a pill.

It makes you better. My trainer is like a commander who knows what to do during a war. I fight for progress in my French, she gives me the right strategy. I am not the only one who thinks like this. My colleagues who take courses there agree with me.”

Journalist from Euronews 


People often dream of moving to another country. But this adventure, synonymous with new job opportunities, usually undertaken as a family, needs support to be completely successful in both personal and professional terms. The enthusiasm associated with learning about an unfamiliar country, culture and business practices is not without its fears, stresses and disappointments. The cultural shock has been amply described and analysed. The Canadian anthropologist, Kaverlo Oberg, breaks it down into five stages: honeymoon, negotiation, crisis, adjustment and adaptation. In this context, what responses should you give to a foreign employee who has come to work in France? How should you prepare a colleague for a foreign posting?




  • australie
  • canada
  • japon
  • nyc

Coaching personnel

“cultural awareness”


To learn the language of the host country

Sharing experiences


Personal coaching in making a “life change”


Our coaching is based on the following:

transactional analysis: a theory of personality and a model of communication that studies interpersonal relations , called “transactions” , through “Ego states ” (parent, adult, child). This allows us to work on cultural frames of reference (family culture, national culture, corporate culture) and the “filters” that impede interpersonal relations, on the four life positions and the concept of OK-ness (our own values and the values of others).

la Cross-Cultural Communication:

a theory that studies the way cultures communicate with each other, particularly through Gerd Hofstede’’s 4 Cultural Dimensions (Hierarchy – or Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism v Collectivism, Masculinity v Femininity) and the 5 stages of Culture Shock).


Profiles of our staff


  • Qualified coaches
  • Language teachers who have personal experience of foreign postings
  • Intercultural experience
  • Solid experience of training in companies

References and bibliography

The great classics

d’Iribarne P., La logique de l’Honneur, Seuil, 1989

Hall E.T., The Hidden Dimension, Doubleday, 1966

Hall E.T., Beyond Culture, Doubleday, 1976

Hall E.T. The Silent Language, Doubleday, 1959

Hofstede G., Cultures and organizations , MacGraw Hill, 1997

Hofstede G., Vivre dans un monde multiculturel: comprendre nos programmations mentales, Editions d’Organisation, 1994

Geert Hofstede, Michael Minkov, Cultures et Organisations, 3rd Edition Pearson

Trompenaars F., L’entreprise multiculturelle, Maxima, 2003



Brislin R., Understanding Culture’s influence, Harcourt Brace, 2000

Gauthey F., Xardel X, Le management interculturel, Que sais-je?, 1990

Jeanneney J.-N., Une idée fausse est un fait vrai. Les stéréotypes nationaux, Odile Jacob, 2000

Théry, B., Manager dans la diversité culturelle, Editions d’Organisation, 2002

Philippe Rosinski, Le Coaching interculturel, Edition Dunod, 2009


Cercle Magellan : Le réseau professionnel des ressources humaines internationales.

SIETAR : Society for international Education, Training and Research