Best Wishes For 2021


In 2020, our priorities, especially as regards the CPF (Personal Training Account), were:

• Be always present on the “moncompteformation” platform of the Training Organisations

• Prepare our trainees for Linguaskill, the new test which replaces BULATS (Business Language Testing Service)

• Obtain QUALIOPI (quality certification for training providers) and be approved as a Bright and Linguaskill exam centre, in order to remain among the training professionals

These goals have been achieved! As for the last point, we are very happy to be among the Training Organisations qualified by the “QUALIOPI” certificate, guarantor of our competence and expertise.

Feedback from our trainee-learners is of major importance to JM-FORMATION – and we have already received a great reaction via the platform, which is very encouraging. 

Even if the Continuous Training landscape, especially for the CPF, has changed profoundly (becoming highly standardised and digitised via the “moncompteformation” platform), we shall not lose either our identity or our “attachment to human relationships”. People will always remain at the heart of our job as trainers.

We believe our attachment to human beings and our educational stance are extremely important, in this time of COVID – a real ordeal for everyone!

The need to learn, while maintaining an interactive and spontaneous social bond between two human beings, has manifested itself during these months of confinement. This is demonstrated by the intensification of our one-to-one video sessions (no mask) or face-to-face (with mask).

Of course, our video training has greatly increased. Nevertheless, we are continuing our face-to-face courses and will probably increasingly return into companies, if the health situation allows it.


This is an opportunity to remind you about the COVID guidelines:

Since September 1, 2020, there is an obligation to wear a mask in closed and shared workspaces. Thus, your trainer must provide his/her services while wearing a mask. Of course, we understand that wearing a mask during language training can be difficult, especially when practicing pronunciation.

Because all this is to protect your health, and that of others, we recommend that you accept the situation, and comply with the recommended physical distancing.

 This is why, during all face-to-face sessions, we ask you to please accept your teacher wearing a mask; the teacher also asks you to wear yours.

You are of course free not to protect yourself, but think of others and protect them!


… … And what would JM FORMATION be without its committed, dedicated and professional team?

So, we thank all those working with us; including Frédérique, who bravely overcame the difficult constraints of the EDOF (Training Organisations) and Margarita, (the lighthouse guiding the way to reach the port of QUALIOPI), for their great work and their ability to adapt to an exceptionally difficult situation.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year – especially the year when we exit from COVID and resume a normal and peaceful life!

Melitta Janko

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